Here is a script I wrote for checking that the master is running or not
and it will ENABLE/DISABLE the service checks and notifications
accordingly on the slave depending on it's check results of the master.
You will need to edit the variables accordingly and remove the rsync
stuff as I used it to automatically turn the rsync cron ON/OFF. I run
this on a cron.  The use of sudo in this script is because I am running
it as the nagios user and it needed it for adjusting the rsync cron, but
you can remove the rsync stuff and add your own if you want it to do any
additional functions beyond ENABLING/DISABLING service checks and notifs
on the slave.  Please keep in mind this script is rudimentary and could
be streamlined alot, I just haven't gotten around to it..

-Don contents:


# Author: Donnell C. Lewis | 2005-09-14 |NOTE:This script was written to
work with Nagios 2.x and up.
# This script is covered under the GPL and can be freely distributed,
re-distributed and edited, sliced
# diced and throw in the fire so long as you leave the original $AUTHOR
credits in place.
# Props go out to Ethan Galstad who made the awesome software for which
this script was written to
# work with.

# What is is: This script was written to be a semi-logical automatic
control interface between the
# primary Nagios host and the slave Nagios host, and should be set to
run on a crontab.  It includes all
# the functions that it requires to login/reach the primary Nagios to
make sure it's running it's Nagios
# processes.  If this script cannot ssh to the primary or should it not
be able to locate a running
# Nagios process on the primary it will send commands to the nagios.cmd
file on the slave that will
# enable "service checks" and "notifications" and disable the companion
rsync script.  Once this
# script can once again reach the primary and finds running processes it
will send commands to
# nagios.cmd that will disable "service checks" and "notifications" and
re-enable the companion
# rsync script.

# Here we set some PATH's and environment variables for script execution

export PATH

# Here we check if this script is already running and if so we die !
if [ -e "check_nagios_primary.lock" ]; then
echo " already running..exiting!"
echo " already running..exiting!" >>

# Write a command to the Nagios command file to cause
# it to process a service check result
touch check_nagios_primary.lock
# get the current date/time in seconds since UNIX epoch
datetimestamp=$(date +%s)
# create the command line to add to the command file

#Check nagios with check_nagios plugin
/usr/local/nagios/libexec/check_by_ssh -t 90 -H $PRIMARY -C
"./check_nagios -e 5 -F /usr/local/nagios/var/nagios.log
-C /usr/local/nagios/bin/nagios >> /dev/null"

if [ "${?}" != 0 ] ; then
echo "$datetime CRITICAL:Nagios not running, enabling service checks and
notifications !"
touch /usr/local/nagios/var/check_nagios_primary.log
echo "$datetime CRITICAL:Nagios not running, enabling service checks and
notifications !" >> check_nagios_primary.log
$echocmd $cmdline $SVCDOWN >> $CommandFile
$echocmd $cmdline $NOTIFON >> $CommandFile
sudo crontab -u rsync -r
echo "$datetime OK:Nagios running fine mate, disabling service checks
and notifications !"
touch /usr/local/nagios/var/check_nagios_primary.log
echo "$datetime OK:Nagios running fine mate, disabling service checks
and notifications !" >> check_nagios_primary.log
$echocmd $cmdline $SVCUP >> $CommandFile
$echocmd $cmdline $NOTIFOFF >> $CommandFile
sudo crontab -u rsync -r
echo "*/5 * * * * /home/rsync/ >/dev/null 2>&1" >
sudo crontab -u rsync cron.tmp
rm -rf cron.tmp
rm -rf check_nagios_primary.lock

On Mon, 2006-10-30 at 18:52 -0500, Lehman, John wrote:
> Hello,
> I am trying to run the check_nagios command from one machine to another.
> (slave to master)
> I can run the following from the command prompt on the "slave" machine:
> Note: the master I am checking is
> /usr/lib/nagios/plugins/check_by_ssh -H -l smadmin-sec -i
> home/smadmin-sec/.ssh/id_dsa -C "/usr/lib/nagios/plugins/check_nagios
> /var/log/nagios/status.log 5 'nagios'"
> I get the following as a response:
> Nagios ok: located 1 process, status log updated 3 seconds ago
> My question is, can I use the "response" to determine whether the master
> is up and if not I want the slave to take over?
> I thought this might be a simple and easy way to set up failover????
> Thanks.
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