+++ Danilo [Mon, Nov 13, 2006 at 03:45:45PM CET]:
> Ok, I am not (really not) a Perl Expert. I am simply trying to get
> out some values from ngraph.log to display free space on a windows
> server ...
> This is the line that nagios gives me.
> PIPE: DB2   DISCO_D Disk ok - 25.33G (31%) free on \\\d
> My check script in nagios_grapher is
> define ngraph {
>         service_name DISCO
>         graph_perf_regex [0-9]*\.[0-9]*G
>         graph_value disk_free
>         graph_units Bytes
>         graph_legend spazio libero %
>         rrd_plottype AREA
>         rrd_color 00a000
>         hide yes
> }
> can somebody help me telling the right way to write a valid and fully
> functional regex to be able to catch the value (25.33G in this case)
> Thanks a lot .....
> a coffee cup payed :-)))))

\s*([0-9]*\.[0-9]*)G or -\s*([0-9]*\.[0-9]*)G

Btw, this stupid pseudo regex has nearly nothing to do with perl ;)

Another suggestion, each time you have modified your ngraph.ncfg
file. Verify that there are no unprintable chars (vi :set list) like
blanks or tabs....

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