On 27 Jan 2007 at 22:07, Andy Shellam (Mailing Lists) wrote:

> I've been struggling with this for the last 2 hours and I cannot work 
> out where it's going wrong.
> I have a Nagios 2.7 server talking to an NRPE 2.6 client.
> The Nagios 2.7 server is running FreeBSD as does the NRPE client - 
> however the NRPE client is being run in a FreeBSD jail (this is a hosted 
> system which I have no control of outside of the jail.)
> I'm hoping I've simply missed something simple.
> When I run from the console of the NRPE client, as the Nagios user:
> $ /usr/local/bin/sudo /usr/local/nagios/libexec/check_swap -w 25% -c 10%
> SWAP OK - 91% free (7442 MB out of 8192 MB) |swap=7442MB;2048;819;0;8192
> $

You are you issuing

> When I run the check from the Nagios server:
> sudo -u nagios /usr/local/nagios/libexec/check_nrpe -H 
> mackay.mailnetwork.co.uk -c check_swap
> NRPE: Unable to read output
> If I try an invalid command:
> sudo -u nagios /usr/local/nagios/libexec/check_nrpe -H 
> mackay.mailnetwork.co.uk -c check_swapNOTEXIST
> NRPE: Command 'check_swapNOTEXIST' not defined
> So, as you can see, it is reaching NRPE fine (and I presume the SSL is 
> working correctly.)
> I've tried starting up NRPE without SSL (-n), and ditto on the Nagios 
> server - still the same error.
> I've also tried setting allow_weak_random_seed=1, same error.
> I'm guessing it has something to do with NRPE not sending the output 
> data from the plugin to the correct stream, and as I don't know much 
> about FreeBSD jails, I don't know whether stdin/out works as normal.
> As you can see, I've also set debug=1, but don't get anything in my log 
> files other than "daemon starting up."
> Is anyone else running NRPE inside a jail?  Or can point out something 
> obvious I'm missing!?  Or how to get more debug info?
> Thanks
> Andy.
> ---
> My nrpe.cfg file:
> pid_file=/var/run/nrpe.pid
> server_port=5666
> #server_address=
> nrpe_user=nagios
> nrpe_group=localservice
> #allowed_hosts=,

Why commented out?

> dont_blame_nrpe=0
> command_prefix=/usr/local/bin/sudo
> debug=1
> command_timeout=60
> connection_timeout=300
> #allow_weak_random_seed=1
> command[check_swap]=/usr/local/nagios/libexec/check_swap -w 25% -c 10%

You issued an sudo above, yet the command here does not use sudo.

I've seen this error before, and recently.  Usually it was a 
permissions issue.  For some readon nrpe is unable to execute the 
command.  Perhaps it is this sudo issue.

A side note: sometimes it helps to add wrapper function.  All the 
wrapper function does it a cd /usr/local/nagios/libexec and then runs 
the command you would normally specify in nrpe.cfg


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