[EMAIL PROTECTED] a écrit sur 14/03/2007 15:39:11 

> > > Alternatively, you could just have the users log in using 
> > their uid, 
> > > which has got to be a lot easier to type. :)
> > > 
> > 
> > :-D 
> > 
> > That's what they do but openldap automagically adds the rest 
> > of their distinguished name to their uid... 
> > 
> > Are you aware of the existence of some setting that would 
> > prevent this behaviour? 
> Here's what I use as an Apache auth config -- works fine here:
> "ldap://ldap.example.com/dc=example,dc=com?uid?sub?(objectClass=inetOrgP
> erson)"

... Which is defined by mod_auth_ldap (or mod_authnz_ldap), which is not 
part of httpd in RHEL-3.3...

I'm damned...

Thank you for your answers, I'll stop spamming this list with my stupid 
problems for now :-)

Have a nice day,

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