On 4/16/07, Manish Sapariya <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I ran into same problem, I got it working by changing the insert.pl. I
am not sure
if my config was wrong or there is something wrong in nagios or

----------------Changed code in insert.pl-------------------
# Parse performance data from input
sub parseinput {
  my $data = shift;
  #debug(5, "INSERT perfdata: $data");

  #my @d = split( /\|\|/, $data);

### Note the the split delimiter in below line, No matter what I do to
configure the
#nagios, I cannot make it print || in the perfdata. It always separated
# fields with tab. Also the index used below had to be adjusted according
#to how nagios wrote the performance data file.

  my @d = split( /\t/, $data);

  return ( lastcheck    => $d[1],
           hostname     => $d[2],
           servicedescr => $d[3],
           output       => $d[6],
           perfdata     => $d[7],

Thanks for the response. I modified the insert.pl as stated above but that
still made no difference. If you notice in the nagios.cfg:


which should actually be:


might explain why you arent seing || but are seing tabs in your perfdata. My
problem seems to stem from the fact that i cannot get data written to the
perfdata.log file at all, thus the insert.pl fails to parse anything at all.
And i cannot find a reason why this is the case.

Thanks again for your response, i hope the above helps your issue out.

Weiner, Michael wrote:
> Using Nagios 2.8 and I am not sure what I am doing wrong. Been trying to
> squeeze out some perfdata in order to test nagiosgraph and I get Nagios
> to create the file, but it remains empty no matter what occurs. Here are
> the relevant portions of my nagios.cfg for clarification:
> nagios.cfg:
> perfdata_timeout=5
> process_performance_data=1
> #service_perfdata_command=process-service-perfdata
> service_perfdata_file=/var/spool/nagios/perfdata.log
> service_perfdata_file_template=$LASTSERVICECHECK$||$HOSTNAME$||$SERVICED
> service_perfdata_file_mode=a <-- had this set to w based on a previous
> email, but that didn't seem to do anything
> service_perfdata_file_processing_interval=30
> service_perfdata_file_processing_command=process-service-perfdata
> checkcommands.cfg:
> define command{
>         command_name            process-service-perfdata
>         command_line    /usr/bin/perl
> /usr/share/nagios/nagiosgraph/insert.pl
> }
> I just can NOT seem to get anything written to the perfdata.log file
> although nagios DOES create it upon (re)start.
> Any thoughts?
>        Michael Weiner |  Lead Analyst  |  Lerner Research Institute
> Cleveland Clinic  |  9500 Euclid Ave.   |  Cleveland, OH 44195  | (216)
> 445-6454

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