> -----Original Message-----
> From: Thomas Guyot-Sionnest [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Tuesday, May 01, 2007 4:29 PM
> To: Jonathan Call
> Cc: nagios-users@lists.sourceforge.net
> Subject: Re: [Nagios-users] Passive monitoring is running slow?
> On 01/05/07 05:15 PM, Jonathan Call wrote:
> > I have set up a distributed monitoring system per the Nagios
> documentation.
> >
> > I initially tested it out by having the distributed server monitor
> 24 or so services on about 8 hosts. There didn't seem to be any
> >
> > I then cranked it up to 427 services on 81 hosts. I'm watching the
> distributed server right now and there is hardly any system load but
> Service Check Latency seems extremely high:
> >
> > Metric                      Min.            Max.            Average
> > Check Execution Time:       0.05 sec        1.67 sec        0.701
> > Check Latency:              60.40 sec       287.36 sec      184.514
> > Percent State Change:       0.00%           0.00%           0.00%
> >
> > This is resulting in 50% or less of the service checks completing in
> 5 minutes or less timeframe.
> >
> > The Central server has had no significant change in performance at
> and seems to be receiving and processing everything without
> >
> > The nsca server on the central server is running with the following
> arguments:
> > /usr/local/sbin/nsca --daemon -c /usr/local/etc/nsca.cfg
> >
> > The submit_check_result script on the distributed server is right
out of
> the documentation.
> There are many ways to do that; my favorite (obviously since I wrote
> :) ) is using the host and service performance data files as named
> pipes, and having a daemon reaping them and batch-sending data to
> send_nsca..
> The howto is here (and I'll be more than happy to answer your
> or get your feedback):
> http://www.nagioscommunity.org/wiki/index.php/OCP_Daemon
> It will require Libevent and the Perl module Event::Lib.
> Thomas

So this is a know design failure in Nagios then? I'm fairly new to
Nagios and I am completely dumbfounded at this. If you can't service
even a quarter (and probably even a tenth) of the amount of hosts and
services on a distributed server than you can on a regular active server
then what is the point of having a distributed model at all?

I will take a look at your batch sending method.

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