Hi list,

I have an odd problem, hope someone can shed some light on this.

I'm busy installing a new Nagios server. The old one is running Nagios  
1.2, and the new one is running 2.9. The used nagios plugins on the old  
server is version 1.3.1, on the new server it is: 1.4.8.

I issue the following check from the old server (the 1.2):

oldNagios:/usr/local/nagios/libexec # ./check_snmp -H switch1 -o  
SNMP OK - Switch#1, Sensor#1, Status is GREEN

The exitcode of this check is 0 (OK)

newNagios:/usr/local/nagios/libexec # ./check_snmp -H switch1 -o  
SNMP WARNING - Switch#1, Sensor#1, Status is GREEN

Now the exitcode is 1 (WARNING) !!!

Then I issue this check from the new server (the 2.9 installation), but  
with the old plugin (1.3.1):
newNagios:/usr/local/nagios/libexec.131 # ./check_snmp -H switch1 -o  
SNMP WARNING - Switch#1, Sensor#1, Status is GREEN

And again: the exitcode is 1 (WARNING)

I copied the commands and output directly from the respective Putty  
sessions, and no, there was no state change between the different  
commands. The oldNagios still tells me all checks are green on this  
switch, and the newNagios still shows me WARNING states.

I'm completely flabbergasted, any ideas???


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