Because the user on shell is "root" and you have rights to process /etc/passwd, but the user of NAGIOS doesn´t have rights to read /etc/passwd


Hi Nagiosexchange users!!!

I have some problems with this  bash script. The objetive is to monitor all the incorrect logins to the sistem so I created this script.


di=`date '+%B %d'`
for i in `cut -f1 -d: /etc/passwd`;
kkY=`grep  \Failed\ \keyboard-interactive/pam\ \for\ \$i /var/log/messages |cut -c1-15|awk "/$di/"`
if [ "$kkY" != "" ]
sa1="$sa1 User: $i Date of Attempts:$kkY"

kk6=`grep  \Failed\ \keyboard-interactive/pam\ \for\ \illegal\ \user /var/log/messages |cut -c1-15 |awk "/$di/"`

sal2="EXISTING USERS:$sa1 NO EXISTING USERS: Date of Attempts:$kk6"

sal3=`echo $sal2`
echo $sal3

The script works fine on shell, I execute the script  like this   ./check_acces and it returns this

EXISTING USERS: User: root Date of Attempts:May 31 08:40:03 May 31 08:40:04 May 31 08:40:15 May 31 08:40:17 May 31 08:40:18 User: jon Date of Attempts:May 31 08:40:33 May 31 08:40:34 May 31 08:40:35 May 31 08:40:36 May 31 08:40:38 NO EXISTING USERS: Date of Attempts:May 31 08:40:54 May 31 08:40:56 May 31 08:40:57 May 31 08:40:59 May 31 08:41:01 May 31 08:41:02 May 31 08:41:04 May 31 08:41:14 May 31 08:41:15 May 31 08:41:16 May 31 08:41:17 May 31 08:41:19 May 31 08:41:20 May 31 08:41:23

this is ok, it works fine.

 But when I declare a service and a command on Nagios with this script something extrange happends, only appears this on Nagios, where are the incorect logins? They doesn´t appear.


Service                              Status           Last Check                      Duration                 Attempt                    Status information                  
Incorrect Access

OK 05-31-2007 09:30:46 2d 23h 30m 55s 1/4 EXISTING USERS: NO EXISTING USERS: Date of Attempts: 

I dont know why when the script is executed by nagios it doesn´t return anything and it works fine on shell. The script  executed by nagios it doesn´t return the same as when you executed on shell.

Someone knows something about this?  Thank you for help!!!


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Jose Luis Fernández Sánchez

José Luís Fernández Sánchez

Área de Nuevas Tecnologías


C/ Marie Curie, nº 6 – bajo derecha. 29590. PTA. Málaga

Tel. +34 951 299 524 – Fax: +34 951 299 596




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