Actually, this is very interesting.  I found and killed my slow check
(a fping, as someone else suggested).  Running the profile script
below gives me:

Total Execution Time: 47 (sec)   NumChecks: 144   Average Time: 0.332 (sec)

>From reading status.dat, this is about what I'd expect.

On the other hand, the "Active Service Checks" in the Web interface
shows very different numbers:

Active Service Checks:
Time Frame      Checks Completed
<= 1 minute:    44 (30.6%)
<= 5 minutes:   144 (100.0%)
<= 15 minutes:  144 (100.0%)
<= 1 hour:      144 (100.0%)
Since program start:    144 (100.0%)

Does the Web present a long-term average or some such?


On Mon, Jun 04, 2007 at 09:45:09PM -0700, william(at) wrote:
> On Mon, 4 Jun 2007, Michael W. Lucas wrote:
> >Hi,
> >
> >I've followed the advice for optimizing Nagios from the FAQ, and get
> >the following performance stats.
> >
> >Check Execution Time:        0.01 sec        10.01 sec       0.248 sec
> >Check Latency:               0.00 sec        2.31 sec        0.144 sec
> >Percent State Change:        0.00%           6.25%           0.08%
> >
> >Overall, the times are pretty good, but my maximum check time is
> >pretty consistently about 10 seconds.
> >
> >I'd like to identify which check(s) that is.  I'm sure it can either
> >be optimized away or performed in some other manner.  Any suggestions?
> >
> >Thanks much,
> >==ml

      Coming Soon: "Absolute FreeBSD" --
On 5/4/2007, the TSA kept 3 pairs of my soiled undies "for security reasons."

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