
On 6/21/2007 11:52 AM, adi yesaya wrote:
> Dear Nagios users,
> I have tried to schedule Nagios to run checks at 23:00-01:00. I defined 
> it at the time period as such:
> define timeperiod{
>         timeperiod_name         midnight
>         alias                   Check at night only
>         sunday                  23:00-01:00
>         monday                  23:00-01:00
>         tuesday                 23:00-01:00
>         wednesday               23:00-01:00
>         thursday                23:00-01:00
>         friday                  23:00-01:00
>         saturday                23:00-01:00
>         }

This has been discussed recently, look for the thread "Excuding 

Short summary:
Define your timeperiods correctly :-) like
Monday 23:00-24:00,00-01:00
and so on.


> and i defined the time period at the service like this (other options 
> omited):
> define service{
>              check_period                    midnight           ; The 
> service is checked at midnight 23:00 - 01:00
>              }
> I did it yesterday and this morning as i checked Nagios i was surprised 
> because i see this at the service detail page :
> all the Status fields are PENDING
> all the Last Check fields are N/A
> all the Status Informations are Service is not scheduled to be checked... 
> What makes me more confused is because when i checked /var/log/messages 
> it stated that Nagios start running checks at 00:00
> and when i checked the trends, the graphic shows that all the plug-in 
> did their check around 00:00 and returned a state.
> Does anyone know why this all happens?
> Regards,
> Adi Yesaya
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