On Mon, Jul 16, 2007 at 02:13:23PM -0500, Marc Powell wrote:
> > > I have Nagios running on FreeBSD 6.2 .
> > > How do I add the missing libraries ?
> > > I cannot find them in the ports collection.
> If you can't find them through Google or through the FreeBSD support
> groups, you may need to build them from source. You may be fortunate and
> find someone here that's done it but OS support is really beyond the
> scope of this list. I'd search other resources to be proactive if I were
> you.


If you build Nagios from ports, it will automatically include all of
these dependencies.  Installing Nagios via "pkg_add -r nagios" works
equally well.

All I've ever done for a complete Nagios setup on FreeBSD is

cd /usr/ports/www/my-favorite-apache-version
make all install clean
cd /usr/ports/net-mgmt/nagios
make all install clean


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