On Thu, 2007-08-30 at 14:12 +0200, Ilya Ruprecht wrote:

> Furthermore, the "notification_interval" in the service-part is described as 
> "Re-notify about service problems every XXX".
> Note: "about service problems".
> Now, if i set the notification_interval to a lower value then a 
> "normal_check_interval", i.e. "9", i get following warning-message
> at nagios pre-flight-check:
> But, hell, what the "normal_check_interval" have to do with 
> "notification_interval"?!
> These two are completely different things! Or have i misunderstood something?

Perhaps this will help clear things up.  The "notification_interval"
option sets an upper limit on how often notifications are sent.  The
"normal_check_interval" options controls how often the check is run.  

If notification_interval=10 and normal_check_interval=5, you can get a
situation like this one (I'll use t=XX to try and convey the timeline
when events occur).

[t=0] Check runs.
[t=0] Check fails.
[t=0] Nagios sends notification.
[t=5] Check runs
[t=5] Check fails
[t=5] Time since last notifications is 5 which is less than
notification_interval=10.  Nagios prevents notification.
[t=10] Check runs.
[t=10] Check fails.
[t=10] Time since last notification is 10 which is greater than or equal
to notification_interval=10. Nagios sends notification.

However if notification_interval=5 and normal_check_interval=10, you get

[t=0] Check runs.
[t=0] Check fails.
[t=0] Nagios sends notification.
[t=10] Check runs.
[t=10] Check fails.
[t=10] Time since last notification is 10 which is greater than or equal
to notification_interval=10. Nagios sends notification.

Nagios only sends notifications immediately after a check (it won't
resend an old value).  So if normal_check_interval >=
notification_interval, you effectively have notification_interval =
normal_check_interval.  That is why Nagios prints the warning message:

"Warning: Service 'SSH' on host 'vpn-gw1-local'  has a notification
interval less than its check interval!  Notifications are only re-sent
after checks are made, so the effective notification interval will be
that of the check interval."

That seems to be what is happening in your case.

Rick Mohr
Systems Developer
Ohio Supercomputer Center

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