good thought on perms - i double checked and i'm running as nagios so all
good there ...

marcel i think you are right, my match condition is just wrong for some
reason ...

when i change the while loop to:

while (<SSH>){
next if /^Trying/;
next if /^Connected/;
if ($_ =~ /Escape/) {
    print "success $_";
else {
    print "Connect died at: $_";

this works and nagios reports OK.

but if i let it get to that last line, which is the 220 line, it won't
match. i'm guessing this is something to do with how the while loop handles
the last line of input and places it into $_

but i don't get why nagios doens't see it and command line works ...

i'll keep trying and if anyone spots it please let me know!


On 9/5/07, Marcel Mitsuto Fucatu Sugano <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Comments inline:
> On Wed, 2007-09-05 at 08:48 +1000, August Simonelli wrote:
> >
> >
> > but when all those conditions ARE met nagios always makes it right
> > past
> >
> >         if ($_ =~ /^220/) {
> >             print "$_ this works";
> >             exit($ERRORS{'OK'});
> >
> > and gives me
> >
> > print "fell thru";
> > exit($ERRORS{'WARNING'});
> >
> > printing out $_ in the while loop has the expected 220 line ...
> >
> Probably, telnet responds something different that the regexp match
> expects, like "\r220: (...)", so if 220 is the OK condition, try
> removing the leading "^", and you're done.
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