
I have installed nagios and its plugins in freebsd.
Restarted apache (1.3), and navigated to the nagios webpages of the website, it 
does display the main page correctly.
However when I click any option in the left hand side of the main page, it 
popup a download screen and asked me whether I want to download the cgi 
The httpd.conf has the following nagios configuration lines written:
   <Directory /usr/local/www/nagios>
     Order allow,deny
     Allow from all

   <Directory /usr/local/www/nagios/cgi-bin>
     AddHandler cgi-script .cgi
     Options ExecCGI

  ScriptAlias /nagios/cgi-bin/ /usr/local/www/nagios/cgi-bin/
  Alias /nagios/  /usr/local/www/nagios/

Note, the apache running in my system has embedded perl module built in.
I also attached a screenshoot of the popup screen when I click on any option on 
the left hand side of the nagios main page.

Your suggestion is much appreciated.


<<attachment: cgi.GIF>>

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