Hi Richard,

> On Tue, 2007-10-02 at 12:55 -0600, Ivan Fetch wrote:
>>     Unfortunately, what this appears to do, is to define all combinations
>> of service dependencies - E.G. Disksuite on host2 depends on SSH on host1,
>> Disksuite on host1 depends on SSH on host2,
>> and so on...
>>     How are others accomplishing this?
> Waiting for the final Nagios 3.0 release :-)
> Assuming that you are using Nagios 2.x, what you want to do is not
> possible unless you define a dependency separately for every host.  That
> is the biggest issue keeping me from using proper service dependencies
> in my setup.  However, Nagios 3.0 addresses that.

    Dam, I was afraid of that.  Thanks for taking the time to reply, to 
help me along.

    I see what you're referring to here, "Same Host Dependencies" at 

    I've pondered letting Nagios create all of the permutations of service 
dependencies, but this seems like a bad idea; it would create a tricky web 
of non-alerts.  IF disk space via SSH was timeing out on host2, and (as it 
happened) SSH on host1 was down, we would never get a disk space alert for 
host 2...

    We would like to do away with the "plugin timed out..." alerts for 
checks which use check_by_ssh, in situations where a host is not allowing 
SSH logins (automounter is being worked on, host is in some state where 
SSH logins time out).  In other words, to get a single "SSH timed out" 
instead of multiple time outs from plugins which use SSH.

    Any ideas for Nagios V2 on how to accomplish this?  Defining individual 
service dependencies could be possible with some scripting, but it defeats 
the purpose of host groups.

    Even if we switch to NRPE instead of SSH, we still have the same issue. 
We could use an inverse model with send_nsca perhaps, but I'd have to 
explore that to see if it holds up.



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