

Using nagios 3.0b5, I have the following notification command defined :


define command{

        command_name    notify-by-email

        command_line    /usr/bin/printf "check went wrong on host
$HOSTALIAS$\nService : $SERVICEDESC$\nCheck Command
:$SERVICECHECKCOMMAND$\nOutput summary : $

SERVICEOUTPUT$\nLong output : $LONGSERVICEOUTPUT$\n" | /bin/mail -s



When I receive an email, This is what I get :

check went wrong on host xxx Service : firewall Check Command
:check_nrpe_firewall Output summary : Connection refused by host Long
output :


Is it me or are the \n stripped ? Are you also facing this with 3.0b5 ?

trying the same kind of printf | mail command on the nagios host sends
me a mail with newlines, so I doubt it's the host software that's having
a problem here...




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