Please don't top post. My response is below

> Linux ATLNHONETOPS 2.6.10-16-server #2 SMP Sun Sep 23 19:57:25 UTC 2007
> i686 GNU/Lunux
> Nagios-3.0b6
> Nagios command definitions for the plugin(I don't know).
> I will attach a file, which you will need word proccessing application to
> open(usually found in linux)(See attached file: Nagios errors.abw)
> Very Respectfully,
> Christy M. New
> 1(404)327-6490
> American Cancer Society
> Corporate IT-NHO NOC
> Network Infrastructure Engineer
>              Tim Palmer                                                    
>              <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>                                              
>                                                                         To 
>              11/09/2007 10:46, 
>              AM                        [EMAIL PROTECTED]              
>                                                                         cc 
>                                                                    Subject 
>                                        Re: [Nagios-users] Still can't, and 
>                                        needing guidance SNMP issue         
>> What is the libexec folder?  Can you give me a direct path?  I am new to
>> Linux.
>> Very Respectfully,
>> Christy M. New
>> 1(404)327-6490
>> American Cancer Society
>> Corporate IT-NHO NOC
>> Network Infrastructure Engineer
>>              "Giles Coochey"
>>              <[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>>    >
> To
>>                                        <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
>>              11/09/2007 10:07
> <
>>              AM                        >
> cc
> Subject
>>                                        RE: [Nagios-users] Still can't,
> and
>>                                        needing guidance SNMP issue
>>> I have the snmp plugin, at least it is downloaded into my downloads
>> file
>>> on
>> I believe you will need to put the executable in your libexec folder.
>>> my linux server.  However I can't monitor the following on my
>>> routers(which
>>> have snmp community strings on them.  I can' monitor the snmp status
>> or
>>> bandwidth/ traffic rate.  Can anyone help me figure out why I can't
>> see
>>> these on Nagios and the Nagios applications continues to say
>>>                   UNKNOWN   11-09-20 0d 22h  3/3     check_mrtgtraf:
>>>                             07       53m 22s         Unable to open
>>>                             23:47:18                 log file
>> I'm assuming you're not asking about this particular error in this
>> thread.
>>>          Port 1
>>>          Bandwidt
>>>          h Usage
>>>                   CRITICAL  11-09-20 0d 22h  3/3     (Return code of
>> 127
>>>                             07       51m 55s         is out of bounds
>> -
>>>                             23:48:45                 plugin may be
>>>                                                      missing)
>> It seems that Nagios cannot find the plugin, is it in your libexec
>> folder?
>>>                   CRITICAL  11-09-20 0d 22h  3/3     (Return code of
>> 127
>>>                             07       50m 28s         is out of bounds
>> -
>>>                             23:53:21                 plugin may be
>>>                                                      missing)
>> This looks to be the same problem.
>> What snmp plugin are you talking about? There are plenty out there
>> What version of Nagios are you talking about?
>> Perhaps if you provide some of your configuration, we might be able to
>> help some more?
>> As it is, we need some psychic assistance here.
> /usr/libexec, and /usr/local/libexec is the quick answer to your
> question, but how useful that information will be depends on more
> information. If you could provide the following details, it would be
> very helpful:
> - output of command "uname -a"
> - Nagios version
> - exact name of the plugin you're having problems with
>      From the errors you posted already, there may be some confusion -
> check_mrtggraf doesn't use snmp directly, it uses the information
> collected by a separate program called MRTG (which must be installed,
> configured and running properly in order to generate the log file
> check_mrtggraf currently can't find). And, there are many snmp plugins.
> - Nagios command definition for the plugin
> - Nagios service definition for the service calling this command.
> As Giles says, you really do need to have some understanding of the OS
> you're running Nagios on. Different OS's can install different bits of
> Nagios in different places, for one thing.
> tim

- Please don't post files in funny formats - text only. Assuming 
everyone has AbiWord is as unhelpful as people assuming everyone has MS 
Word available.
- In general, never post real ip addresses, passwords or SNMP community 
strings in an open forum. Your email has already been indexed, and your 
community string is now compromised. I would change it immediately.

Generally, the first place to start when troubleshooting plugins is to 
run the plugin from the command line, with the exact same params as 
you're passing in the service definition, although its common for the 
check_command in the service definition to be a redefined version of a 
plugin, defined in the command def file.

(the following is from 2.x series. I haven't even looked at 3.x yet, so 
don't know if any of this has changed).
- find where your commands are defined. Look in nagios.cfg, where ever 
that might be ("locate nagios.cfg" should work) - that will tell you the 
name and location of the command file. Then find the "define command" 
block that matches your check_command. Use the stuff given in the 
"command_line", with the params from your service definition, to run it 
manually. Make sense?

If it works as root, su to the nagios user, and try it that way.

Given that this is a forum of people helping each other, the more you 
can do yourself, the better your questions will be received. If you have 
trouble with the above, look at it, run check_snmp -h for help, think 
about it, google it a few ways before posting back. You'll also learn 
more that way.

Good luck...

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::: Please include Nagios version, plugin version (-v) and OS when reporting 
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