hi all

I´m really desesperate because I dont know which other config file I should 

My mail server (postfix) is working because if I run 

$> ps aux | mail [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

I get a mail.

I have this two files:

[EMAIL PROTECTED] nagios]# cat contacts.cfg
define contact{
 contact_name                                   pablo
 alias                                                  pablo
 service_notification_period                    24x7
 host_notification_period                       24x7
#service_notification_options           c
#host_notification_options                      d
 service_notification_options           w,u,c,r
 host_notification_options              d,u,r
 service_notification_commands          notify-by-email
 host_notification_commands             host-notify-by-email
 email                                                  [EMAIL PROTECTED]


[EMAIL PROTECTED] nagios]# cat contactgroups.cfg
define contactgroup{
        contactgroup_name               sysadmins
        alias                                   sysadmins
        members                                 pablo

both included on nagios.cfg

[EMAIL PROTECTED] nagios]# cat /etc/nagios/nagios.cfg | grep contact
# groups, contacts, contact groups, services, etc.  I guess it would
# separate from host and contact definitions...
# host/contact/service configuration files.  Setting this to 60 means

I have also verified that the "host-notify-by-email" and "notify-by-email" 
commands that are defined on commands.cfg work if I run them on a terminal.

and I am using this service and host templates:

define host{
        name                                    generic-host-gen                
        notifications_enabled           1 
        event_handler_enabled           1       
        flap_detection_enabled          1       
        process_perf_data               1       
        retain_status_information               1     
        retain_nonstatus_information  1  
        register                                        0      
        contact_groups                          sysadmins
        check_command                           check-host-alive
        normal_check_interval                   3
        max_check_attempts                      3
        notification_interval                   0 
        notification_period                     24x7
        notification_options                    d,u

define service{
        name                                            servicio-generico-gen
        normal_check_interval                   3
        retry_check_interval                    5
        max_check_attempts                      3
        notification_interval                   0 
        notification_period                     24x7
        check_period                            24x7
        notification_options                    c
        active_checks_enabled                   1
        passive_checks_enabled         0
        parallelize_check                       1
        obsess_over_service                     0
        check_freshness                         0
        notifications_enabled                   1
        event_handler_enabled           1
        flap_detection_enabled                  1
        process_perf_data                       1
        retain_status_information               1
        retain_nonstatus_information  1
        register                                        0
        contact_groups                          sysadmins

everything on the web interface seems to work and I havent found any error 
related to mail on logs but I can´t get mail notifications when a service or 
host fails.

¿¿any clue about what I´m doing wrong??

many thanks in advance for any help and sorry for a so long mail :)

Pablo Escobar Lopez
Head of Infrastructure & IT Support
Bioinformatics Department
Centro de Investigación Príncipe Felipe (CIPF)
Tfn: (34) 96 328 96 80 ext: 1004

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