
On 10/12/2007, Roger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I'm thinking about using check_log to monitor mysqld.log

I've found it more useful to check the status of the mysql processes
themselves rather than the log file. So I monitor the number of active
connections, and those in a locked state and alert when either of
these values gets too high. I therefore use the following :-

1) a basic perl script to process the 'processlist' command (it could
be improved by parameterising the thresholds, I've just never felt the
need to do so) :-


# mysql-procs.pl

use vars qw($PROGNAME);
use lib "/usr/local/nagios/libexec" ;
use utils qw (%ERRORS &print_revision &support);

my(@res) = ` mysqladmin  --user=??? --password=??? processlist`;

my($tcount) = 0;
my($lcount) = 0;

my($status) = "OK";

foreach(@res) {
        $tcount++ if(m/auser/); # check for a specific user connecting
        $tcount++ if(m/buser/); # check for another specific user connecting
        $lcount++ if(m/Locked/); # check for Locked processes

$status = "WARNING" if($tcount > 200);
$status = "CRITICAL" if($lcount > 5);

print "MYSQL-PROCS " . $status . " - " . $tcount . " processes, " .
$lcount . " locked\n";

exit $ERRORS{$status};

which is run out of nrpe on the server hosting the mysql database.

2) an nrpe.cfg entry on the server :-


3) a service within the nagios configuration :-

define service {
        name                            ops-mysql-procs
        use                             ops-service
        service_description             MYSQL-PROCS
        max_check_attempts              3
        normal_check_interval           5
        retry_check_interval            2
        check_command                   check_nrpe!check_mysqlprocs
        register                        0

4) a service line for each host with a mysql database running :-

define host {
        use                     live-host
        host_name               mysql-dbserver
        alias                    mysql server
        parents                 big-switch
        address                 ???.???.???.???
        check_command           check-host-alive


define service {
        use                     ops-mysql-procs
        host_name               mysql-dbserver

The log file monitoring is okay, but knowing when the entire database
is locked out is far more useful I feel.


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