First, i need express my excuses becouse my level of knowledge of english is 
very low.

Now, i'm writing a new plugin for get the bandwith used in a sample time,
the program run fine but i cant make then the nagios read the result

the help of my program is this:

**Check BandWidth 0.01**


check_bw -t <numeric_value> -wu <numeric_value> -wd <numeric_value> -cu
<numeric_value> -cd <numeric_value> -if <network_interface>

        -t      Time of the sample
        -wu     Minimal Value of up Bandwidth used for a Warning
        -wd     Minimal Value of Down Bandwidth used for a Warning 
        -cu     Minimal Value of up Bandwidth used for a Critical
        -cd     Minimal Value of up Bandwidth used for a Critical
        -if     Name of Network Interface.

In what format i need print the output?

Best regards,

Carlos Chiriboga Calderon

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