On Jan 11 08:51, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Has anyone got a plugin or script they use to check the status of the
> ndo2db daemon? I've been looking on nagiosexchange and through google
> and am yet to find one. I'm not much of a programmer, so I really can't
> right one up myself or I would. Any help on this issue would be wonderful. 

I'm using check_mysql_query to check that db updates aren't stale:

  check_mysql_query -H naghost -d <nagios_db> -u <readonlyuser> -p <somepass> \
  -q "SELECT NOW() - status_update_time FROM nagios_programstatus" -w 120 -c 300

If ndo2db is dead/failed to start, or there are other issues (corrupt tables),
I believe this will catch it.  You could also do something like watch the 
for the dreaded "unable to connect to data sink" message, or check that the
ndo2db process is running, though I'm finding that checking the db for
freshness is a good indicator.


Tom Throckmorton
Duke University

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