My current nagios installation has outgrown it's current server, so I
built a new server from scratch and due to the number of perl plugins I
am using thought it would be in my best interested to embed perl when I
compiled my binary. The compile and install went fine, I fired nagios up
and it was running fine for a few minutes (5-15) then the service checks
stopped happening, and there isn't any additional information in the


I compiled a new binary this time with no perl and started things back
up and it ran perfectly and did so for some time, however at a much
higher cpu load. So I built a new binary this time I didn't add the perl
cache option, replaced the binary and it seemed to work, but then the
checks stopped a few minutes later.


I have reverted back to my basic nagios binary with out perl now and
things are working again, it would appear I am missing something to get
the epn to work but I can't seem to find. I thought I had seen something
in the mailing list before about this but can't seem to put my finger on


Any advice is greatly appreciated.



Karl Yost




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