Nagios 2.10, CentOS 5 x86_64 / i386, NDOUtils 1.4b6

Hi all,

I've noticed something odd wrt flapping, and am wondering if I'm overlooking
something simple, or just misunderstanding the way flapping and state retention
are supposed to work.

First, just to verify, my main nagios config has:

 retention_update_interval=<1,5,60 or even 0, doesn't matter>

In my global host and service templates that all hosts use, I have:

 flap_detection_enabled          1
 retain_status_information       1
 retain_nonstatus_information    1

I've also disabled flap detection explicitly for a few hosts, and it all works
as advertised.

However, for any host/service, if I manually disable/enable flap detection via
an external command / cgi, and then reload or restart, the option reverts to
whatever is in the config for that given host/service.  This happens regardless
of whether 1) the option is being set in retention.dat, which it is, 2) the
NDO-fed database thinks flapping for this host/service is disabled, or 3) w/out
the broker_module enabled.  Other state options are being preserved (such as
active_checks_enabled) both at retention_update_interval and on a reload.

So, what I think I'm seeing then is that during a reload, the
flap_detection_enabled option isn't getting read from the retention file at
program start, though I'd expect it to be persistent just as the other options
are.  FWIW, same behavior on earlier Nagios 2.x releases, but 1.x seems to do
the right thing.

Before I dig further, can anyone verify that the state of host or service flap
detection (enabled/disabled) should or shouldn't be persistent across a
reload/restart?  I've combed the docs and archives, and am coming up dry.



Tom Throckmorton
Duke University

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