>  > I had thought about writing a custom check for each line
>  > of output that this command generates, but that seems needlessly
>  > painful.
>  > I'm guessing the answer here is "Nagios can't do that", but I thought
>  > I'd ask anyway.
> Technically Nagios can't do that. At least not from the vantage point 
> you have described. We are much more granular in our monitoring for 
> exactly the scenario you have described. At this point we don't combine 
> multiple pieces into a single service check unless a department manager 
> specifically requests a full overview in a single check. We monitor each 
> piece with its own service check so we have complete control over who 
> get notified for what, when they get notified, how often they get 
> notified, and so on. I would say that Nagios can do what you want but 
> that it is up to you to make your checks more granular.

If you need both granularity and flexibility and on top an overall evaluation 
of your particular results then have a look onto check_multi 

It combines both concepts - granular results and process views - just as you 
define it.


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