Dear All,
as stated above, I am running nagios 3.0rc3 and I seem to have a lack of
I should state that I am new to nagios.
I plan to have a host and service escalation for all hosts (with their
associated services) belonging to a specific hostgroup. So here is what I
have so far:
define hostgroup{
    hostgroup_name        group1
    alias                 group1
define contact{
    contact_name       groupNetwork
    use                generic-contact
    alias              groupNetwork
    email               <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [EMAIL PROTECTED]
define host{
    use            windows-server
    host_name      host1
    alias          Host 1
    hostgroups     group1
    parents        DUSSW00
    contacts       defaultContact
define hostescalation{
    hostgroup_name        group1
    contacts              groupNetwork
    first_notification    1
    last_notification     0
    notification_interval 120
    escalation_period     workhours
define serviceescalation{
    service_description    *
    hostgroup_name         group1
    contacts               groupNetwork
    first_notification     1
    last_notification      0
    notification_interval  120
    escalation_period      workhours

When I try to start nagios, it tells me that it "Could not expand services
specified in service escalation".
The plan is to send a mail to defaultContact 24x7 and to groupNetwork only
in the working hours. When I remove the service escalation, I only get
notifications when the host is down (guess this is by design).
Is there any other way how I can achieve this?
Any help is very much appretiated.
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