I'm fairly new to nagios and running nagios 3. I want to configure icons
on my statusmap and have a couple questions. First is about the
location. The nagios documentation says the default location for the
images is /usr/local/nagios/share/images/logos. I have the book Building
a Monitoring Infrastructure with Nagios by David Josephson and it says
the icons are expected to be in the webroot/images/icons directory. So
where should I store the icons?
Secondly the documentation says in nagios 3.x extended host information
definitions can be added to the host definitions. So in the host
definition I would just include statusmap_image and the name of the
image file? What I would really like to do if possible is tie the icon
to my windows server group rather than having to go through and edit
every single host definition. It isn't a huge deal but would be easier.
Thanks for the help and glad to be joining the nagios community.
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