Sorry to bump the thread, but I'm still struggling with these tables.
Surely others are using the ndo2db module!

On Wed, Apr 9, 2008 at 12:34 PM, Frank J. Gómez <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Hello again.  So I've got the ndo2db module installed and working, but now
> I have some questions.
> The results of my service checks are being logged to the
> nagios_servicechecks table, which is very cool.  However, I have a bunch of
> tables in the nagios database which are not populated.  I won't list them
> all, but I'm most interested in nagios_hosts and nagios_services.
> What's interesting is that hosts and services seem to be stored together
> in the nagios_objects table.  Hosts are stored with an objecttype_id of 1,
> with the hostname stored in name1.  Services are stored with an
> objecttype_id of 2, with the hostname stored in name1 and the command stored
> in name2.  Also worth noting is that the nagios_servicechecks table never
> refers to columns from the nagios_hosts and nagios_services; instead it
> refers to the object ids.
> So I guess those are mostly observations, not questions...  Some questions
> then:
>    - Did I do something wrong/different during the install process, or
>    are these tables empty by default for everyone else?
>    - Say I want to monitor a new host, should I edit my config files as
>    in the past or add the information to the database?  If I add it to the
>    database, should I use the nagios_objects table or mess with the
>    nagios_hosts and nagios_services tables?
>    - Does anyone know what all of the objecttype_id codes mean?  So far
>    I have 1 (hosts), 2 (services), 9, 10, and 12.
>    - Why are those tables there if they are not being used?
> I may think of more questions later; these are the ones that immediately
> popped into my head.
> Thanks,
> -Frank
> PS: I have not seen much documentation about ndo2db.  If anyone has a good
> resource, please share!
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