
Ugo Bellavance <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote on 15.05.08 17:18:

> Julian Hein a écrit :
>> Hi,
>> Ugo Bellavance <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote on 09.05.08 16:10:
>>> Terry a écrit :
>>>> We just utilize sms and have a different ring profile for SMS
>>>> messages.  The ring profile says that it will go nuts if it gets a
>>>> phone call or SMS message but all other notifications are off.  I set
>>>> this before I go to bed.
>>> Ok, but we don't have a SMS gateway yet, we use e-mail to txt, so it
>>> costs money to receive txt messages this way, the blackberry data fees
>>> are already high, using it would cut the txt msg fees.
>>> I'm thinking about setting up an SMS gateway, though, any idea where to
>>> ask for info/ideas?
>> Multitech has Modems with Ethernet Interfaces. You just connect them to the
>> Network and send a text oder sms via Telnet commands:
>> http://www.multitech.com/PRODUCTS/Categories/Device_Networking/
> Is there a reason why you don't use a serial or USB modem.

It is much more flexible:

1. You can use them from servers without usb or serial ports, e.g. Small
appliances or blade servers.
2. You can place them anywhere on the network, e.g. If you don't have GSM
connectivity inside your data center
3. More then 1 Nagios server can use the same GSM modem
4. You don't need to install or configure anything hardware related on the


Julian Hein
Managing Director

NETWAYS GmbH | Deutschherrnstr. 47a | D-90429 Nürnberg
Tel: +49 911 92885-0 | Fax: +49 911 92885-3
http://www.netways.de | [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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