
I am working with one installation of Nagios (v. 2.11) to monitor two
sites.  Let's call them Dev and Prod.

Nagios is in Prod, which has an external IP address of  Dev's
external IP is  The previous administrator defined each host in
Dev with this IP address, and then in the service check definitions used
check_nrpe with a port number (e.g., check_nrpe!5678) to navigate
firewall/routing rules and deliver the check to the appropriate host.

I see two drawbacks to this method.  First, it makes my config files huge.
If I want to define a service for three hosts in Dev, I can no longer do

define service{
>         host_name                 host1,host2,host3
>         service_description      disk usage
>         check_command         check_nrpe!check_disk
>         use                            serviceTemplate
> }

Instead, I have to do this:

define service{
>         host_name                 host1
>         service_description      disk usage
>         check_command         check_nrpe!5678!check_disk
>         use                            serviceTemplate
> }
> define service{
>         host_name                 host2
>         service_description      disk usage
>         check_command         check_nrpe!6789!check_disk
>         use                            serviceTemplate
> }
> define service{
>         host_name                 host3
>         service_description      disk usage
>         check_command         check_nrpe!4567!check_disk
>         use                            serviceTemplate
> }

The second drawback is that the host-alive-check (which I believe uses
check_ping) won't tell me much if the hosts are all defined with the same IP
address.  They are either all going to be up or all going to be down.  I
tried adding the port to the IP address in the host definitions -- see
example below -- but that didn't work:

define host{
>         host_name                  host1
>         alias                           host1
>         address             
>         use                             hostTemplate
> }

Does anyone have any suggestions for dealing with this kind of setup?

Thanks very much,
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