Hi Alan,
Up to yesterday I had a similar problem with our NDO db on the same spec box as 
Are your tables primarily type innodb like mine ?
I am asking as my NDO db was created by Centreon's install script and not the 
normal way, if so then the following may help.
Your initial post showed no setting for innodb_buffer_pool_size if you are 
using lots of innodb tables then this needs to be as big as you can afford.
Second is innodb_flush_log_at_trx_commit which defaults to 1, which is safe, 
but slow, it commits after every transaction.
I have 9 Nagios servers feeding data from 2500 hosts into 1 NDO db, when I 
started Mysql was reported by top as using 300 - 350% of cpu and the whole 
system was virtually unusable, now cpu usage is 10 - 50% with occasional peaks 
of 90% and all is good.
These are the settings I am using:
I am still fiddling with settings, but these seem good for now. I am not a dba, 
only a sysadmin who had to make it work. Hopefully I can help others with 
similar problems.
Thanks and regards,
Simon Finch
ESM Team Leader
St George Bank

>>> Alan Cooper <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 26/08/2008 4:39 am >>>
Mikael Fridh wrote:
> On Wed, Aug 20, 2008 at 8:46 PM, Alan Cooper <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Thanks for the replies,
>> Unfortunately, all the tables are already indexed so I'm back to the
>> underlying problem is that there are so many joins on big tables so
>> MySQL has to copy to temp tables each time - I'd really like to
>> eliminate the need for this if possible.
> Show the EXPLAIN output as well as SHOW CREATE TABLE for all tables in
> your query.

Hi Mikael,

Please find the details requested attached.

Thanks again for your help.


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