
I've been using check_ntp_time plugin to check the time offset of all my time servers. It's been working perfectly for a while.

Last night (29 to 30/12 at 00:00), all the checks start having the same behavior quite at the same time. All of them return :
" NTP CRITICAL: Offset unknown"

Of course, all the time servers are running, and their time is accurate. I can't understand why all the checks start failing all at the same time.

Here's an example output below. Thank you in advance for any advice. Kind regards

*Toussaint OTTAVI*
***Mail:* t.ott...@medi.fr

serveurlinux:/usr/lib/nagios/plugins # check_ntp_time -H -v
sending request to peer 0
response from peer 0: offset 0.3197530025
sending request to peer 0
response from peer 0: offset 0.3188920024
sending request to peer 0
response from peer 0: offset 0.3346090025
sending request to peer 0
response from peer 0: offset 0.3337990025
discarding peer id 0: flags=1
overall average offset: 0
NTP CRITICAL: Offset unknown|

serveurlinux:/usr/lib/nagios/plugins # check_ntp_time -H ntp2.usno.navy.mil -v
sending request to peer 0
response from peer 0: offset 0.0600928269
sending request to peer 0
response from peer 0: offset 0.06049711903
sending request to peer 0
re-sending request to peer 0
response from peer 0: offset 0.06112928403
sending request to peer 0
response from peer 0: offset 0.05989775999
discarding peer id 0: flags=1
overall average offset: 0
NTP CRITICAL: Offset unknown|

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