On Tue, 6 Jan 2009 14:23:56 +0800, "fernando renegado"
<flreneg...@gmail.com> wrote:

>It's been weeks since I've been experimenting on gnokii to send sms alerts
>from nagios. I'm using nokia 5210 xpress music cell connected to my nagios
>on Centos box. When I tried to send sms at the terminal it works fine. But
>when I enable nagios to send sms, it doesn't. I tried to chmod and chown the
>port being used by gnokii but to no avail. Please help!

You'll need to provide more details, like the script you're using the
execute the sms send, and how you performed the additional tests.  As
Hugo mentioned, did you test as the nagios user?  Are you at least
seeing a notification entry in the log files saying it has attempted
to execute the command? Are there any errors there?
Jon Angliss

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