On Mon, Feb 9, 2009 at 1:31 PM, Marc Powell <m...@ena.com> wrote:

>        - not allowing nagios to run sufficient concurrent checks for your
> configuration. running 'bin/nagios -s etc/nagios.cfg' will provide you
> with a recommendation. Make sure max_concurrent_checks is that high or
> higher.

Thanks Marc. I have: max_concurrent_checks=0

I ran the -s option and it produced a bunch of stats. (see below) But I am
not sure which line is the recommendation you refer to.

In addition it does report some savings I could get by using the -x and -u
options. Maybe I ought to enable those. Not sure whether those will be
latency reduction (good) or  execution time reduction (not so relevant for


################/usr/local/nagios/bin/nagios -s
Nagios 3.0.6
Copyright (c) 1999-2008 Ethan Galstad (http://www.nagios.org)
Last Modified: 12-01-2008
License: GPL

Timing information on object configuration processing is listed
below.  You can use this information to see if precaching your
object configuration would be useful.

Object Config Source: Config files (uncached)

OBJECT CONFIG PROCESSING TIMES      (* = Potential for precache savings with
-u option)
Read:                 0.012501 sec
Resolve:              0.000822 sec  *
Recomb Contactgroups: 0.000081 sec  *
Recomb Hostgroups:    0.004820 sec  *
Dup Services:         0.031199 sec  *
Recomb Servicegroups: 0.000847 sec  *
Duplicate:            0.000003 sec  *
Inherit:              0.003707 sec  *
Recomb Contacts:      0.000005 sec  *
Sort:                 0.000001 sec  *
Register:             0.028375 sec
Free:                 0.002792 sec
TOTAL:                0.085155 sec  * = 0.041487 sec (48.72%) estimated

Read and Process:     0.429982 sec
TOTAL:                0.429982 sec

Timing information on configuration verification is listed below.

CONFIG VERIFICATION TIMES          (* = Potential for speedup with -x
Object Relationships: 0.103647 sec
Circular Paths:       0.002239 sec  *
Misc:                 0.003193 sec
TOTAL:                0.109079 sec  * = 0.002239 sec (2.1%) estimated

Get service info:        0.023477 sec
Get host info info:      0.000172 sec
Get service params:      0.000035 sec
Schedule service times:  0.041946 sec
Schedule service events: 0.021094 sec
Get host params:         0.000007 sec
Schedule host times:     0.003610 sec
Schedule host events:    0.008372 sec
TOTAL:                   0.098713 sec

Projected scheduling information for host and service checks
is listed below.  This information assumes that you are going
to start running Nagios with your current config files.

Total hosts:                     265
Total scheduled hosts:           262
Host inter-check delay method:   SMART
Average host check interval:     300.00 sec
Host inter-check delay:          1.15 sec
Max host check spread:           30 min
First scheduled check:           Mon Feb  9 13:50:01 2009
Last scheduled check:            Mon Feb  9 13:54:59 2009

Total services:                     2073
Total scheduled services:           2057
Service inter-check delay method:   SMART
Average service check interval:     300.58 sec
Inter-check delay:                  0.15 sec
Interleave factor method:           SMART
Average services per host:          7.82
Service interleave factor:          8
Max service check spread:           30 min
First scheduled check:              Mon Feb  9 13:50:38 2009
Last scheduled check:               Mon Feb  9 13:55:40 2009

Check result reaper interval:       10 sec
Max concurrent service checks:      Unlimited

I have no suggestions - things look okay.
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