[root@ ~ bin]# /usr/local/nagios/bin/nagios -v /usr/local/nagios/etc/nagios.cfg

Nagios 3.0.6
Copyright (c) 1999-2008 Ethan Galstad (http://www.nagios.org)
Last Modified: 12-01-2008
License: GPL

Reading configuration data...

Error: Unexpected token or statement in file 
'/opt/nagios/etc/main/commands.cfg' on line 1.

***> One or more problems was encountered while processing the config files...

     Check your configuration file(s) to ensure that they contain valid
     directives and data defintions.  If you are upgrading from a previous
     version of Nagios, you should be aware that some variables/definitions
     may have been removed or modified in this version.  Make sure to read
     the HTML documentation regarding the config files, as well as the
     'Whats New' section to find out what has changed.

Eric Chatham

-----Original Message-----
From: Marc Powell [mailto:m...@ena.com]
Sent: Monday, February 16, 2009 16:38
To: Nagios Users
Subject: Re: [Nagios-users] New to Nagios - Need help with nagios.cfg

On Feb 16, 2009, at 2:58 PM, Eric Chatham wrote:

> Hello,
> I'm very new to Nagios.  I'm running version Nagios 3.0.6 on CentOS
> RHEL 5.1. I used the FC6 instructions for my installation.  I've
> successfully installed the program per the Quick-start guide
> provided on the Website.  We presently have another server with an
> older version of Nagios installed.  It's using "cfg_dir=/opt/nagios/
> etc" as its location for all *.cfg giles.
> Here's a problem: When I try to create an alternate directory
> (cfg_dir) in the nagios config file, I keep getting a CONFIG ERROR
> when I try to restart the service. I would like to use "cfg_dir=/opt/
> nagios/etc/main" to hold all the config files. Here is a list of
> that directory right now:
> [root@ ~ main]# ls -l
> total 68
> -rwxrwxr-x 1 nagios nagios  7714 Feb 13 16:55 commands.cfg
> -rwxrwxr-x 1 nagios nagios  2166 Feb 13 16:52 contacts.cfg
> -rwxrwxr-x 1 nagios nagios   240 Feb 13 14:28 hostgroups.cfg
> -rwxrwxr-x 1 nagios nagios   163 Feb 13 16:51 hosts.cfg
> -rwxrwxr-x 1 nagios nagios  2414 Feb 13 16:39 services.cfg
> -rwxrwxr-x 1 nagios nagios 10812 Feb 13 16:41 templates.cfg
> -rwxrwxr-x 1 nagios nagios  3209 Feb 13 16:55 timeperiods.cfg
> [root@ ~ main]# service nagios restart
> Running configuration check... CONFIG ERROR!  Restart aborted.
> Check your Nagios configuration.

Seems like one of the config files probably has an error in it. Run '/
path/to/nagios -v /path/to/nagios.cfg'.


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