On Fri, Feb 20, 2009 at 9:39 AM, Satish Patel <sat...@linuxbug.org> wrote:
> I have +100 Host and routers so that when i goes into status map my
> map is mass its like junky...
> is that anyway to i can change look i have select balace tree but is
> there any other way i can set it default for map or i can see
> hierarical diagram

if you install Nagios2JSON you can take the JSON representation of the
status map and visualize that programmatically using your own code or
the code of others if anyone has built an add-on that does cool things
with that feed yet (haven't checked in a while to see if there are
projects out yet that use the JSON feed from Nagios2JSON).  That is
what I plan on doing as we are into the thousands of hosts and the map
is useless for us as well at this point :).


I bellieve Yann or someone else has built a backend for NagVis that
reads the Nagios2JSON JSON for doing custom service and host-level
front ends with NagVis ... that might cover building a visual map of
all hosts as well with the automap features of NagVis.


- Max

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