Yesterday after I got the local servers on the LAN talking to the Nagios 
server I started to attempt to configure the NSClient on my vista 
workstation. I got the host and hostgroup setup for it and even setup a 
simple service for it; I believe it was a simple check to see if the 
host was up (PING).

I edited the ini file for the client according to the Nagios 
documentation and then started the NSClient test program then sat there 
and watched the screen and the text scolling down. What's got me a 
little confused is that I kept seeing a response on the output that 
connections from my workstation were being refused by the Nagios server. 
The ini file is set to contact the nag server on the default port 
according to the Documentation so I'm at a loss as to why the Nag server 
wasn't accepting connections.

The Nagios server, Linux CentOS 4.7 doesn't have a firewall running on 
it so I seriously doubt that the packets are being dropped... (ooops I 
just remembered something)

Is it possible that the port the NSClient communicates on is not enabled 
in the /etc/services file? If that service port isn't enabled in that 
file then it may be that nothing will answer on incoming connections. Am 
I close or all wet?


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