Here are 2 ways to do this:

1. Click thru the web interface the normal way you would (un)silence the service(s)/servicegroup(s) in question but before submitting the form do a View-Source and use the variables and values there to create yourself a properly encoded URI and call it with wget. ex:
wget -O - 
 > /dev/null
wget -O - 
 > /dev/null

I haven't read thru the source or tried these examples so I don't know if you also need to include "&btnSubmit=Commit" to the URI. Or perhaps it won't work at all as a GET instead of a POST.

2. Write a CGI that accepts host, service, and silence/unsilence variables. Feed the results directly to the Nagios command pipe (/var/log/nagios/rw/nagios.cmd). Once you've verified your input args, feed them to the pipe like:

my $time = time();
print CMD "[$time] DISABLE_SVC_NOTIFICATIONS;hostname;servicename\n";

Again, I haven't tested any of this, but it oughtta work in theory.


On Mon, 16 Mar 2009, Eric Pearce wrote:

Date: Mon, 16 Mar 2009 14:48:55 -0700
From: Eric Pearce <>
Subject: [Nagios-users] sending external commands remotely

I'd like to be able to remotely turn off/turn on service/host checks.  For 
example, a remote
machine could turn off a service check while running a backup and turn it back 
on after it is
done.  Ideally, this is a simple perl script, wrapper for 'wget', batch file, 
etc that could run
on Unix or Windows (maybe using SSL for securing the password?).   I assume it 
would talk
directly to cgi on the nagios server.  I've seen some others asking for 
something similar, but
no definitive replies.   My understanding of NSCA is that is simply 
for collecting passive
information, and can't actually change things, right?
Yes, I could schedule downtime via Nagios, but the downtime is of variable 
length, the so the
exact backup window is not known in advance.  The machine doing the actual backup 
best" when turn monitoring on and off.   NFS mounting the nagios command file 
is not an
option.    I did see the old script on nagiosexchange but I don't 
want to
do anything non-standard on the nagios server if possible.  I understand that I 
could use ssh to
run local commands on nagios server, but I'm looking for something more elegant.
My setup is Linux server running Nagios 3.0.6 and 1.4.13 plugins monitoring 
Linux, Solaris and
Windows 2000/XP/2003/Vista/2008 hosts.

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