2009/3/23 Christopher McAtackney <crist...@gmail.com>:
>> 2009/3/20 Marc Powell <m...@ena.com>:
>>> On Mar 20, 2009, at 8:48 AM, Christopher McAtackney wrote:
>>>> to start? I'm envisioning some sort of script or service which INSERTs
>>>> into the Oracle database after each service/host check is performed.
>>>> Does Nagios support this sort of functionality?
>>> Yes, nagios can run a custom script after every host/service check
>>> using the ochp and ocsp options --
>>> http://nagios.sourceforge.net/docs/3_0/configmain.html#obsess_over_hosts
>>> http://nagios.sourceforge.net/docs/3_0/configmain.html#obsess_over_services
>>> It's most often used for Distributed Monitoring but can be used for
>>> anything. It's been very reliable in my experience.
>>> --
>>> Marc
> Hi Marc,
> I've tried doing as you suggested, but my post check command does not
> seem to be being executed for some reason. Do you have any idea what I
> might have done wrong? Here is the setup I've used;
> In nagios.cfg
> obsess_over_hosts=1
> ochp_command=host_check
> And then in commands.cfg;
> define command
> {
>        command_name    host_check
>        command_line            /usr/local/nagios/host_check.pl $HOSTADDRESS$ 
> }
> Finally, my simple Perl script to test the output;
> #!/usr/bin/perl
> open MYFILE, ">>data.txt";
> print MYFILE "Logging for server $ARGV[0], Event ID: $ARGV[1] \n";
> close (MYFILE);
> Unfortunately, the script is not being called for some reason. I know
> the script itself is working fine, as I've tested it independently.
> I've made sure that Nagios is restarted, and the pre-flight check
> doesn't report any problems. Any thoughts on what the problem might
> be?
> Cheers,
> Chris

Further to the above email, I've also made the nagios user owner of
the host_check.pl file, but still no luck in getting it to execute.

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