On Mar 23, 2009, at 10:15 AM, acarl...@princeton-il.com wrote:

> I am running CentOS 5 and I installed nagios thru yum using the
> RPMForge repository.  When I log into the web interface, it shows my
> server as down/critical under hosts.

I can't speak to the specifics of what RPMForge does for defaults but  
generally, your host's check_command doesn't work or doesn't  
accurately reflect the status of the host.

What is the Status Information?
What is the host{} definition?
What is the command{} definition it references as it's check_command?

>  Obviously since I'm accessing
> the host remotely via HTTP it isn't down.  Any thoughts on how to fix
> this?  Also, this was a clean install of the OS that I installed
> Apache, MySQL, PHP, and Nagios onto (including dependencies).

An somewhat arbitrary guess is that the host check_command tries to  
ping localhost and that doesn't work. Can you ping localhost as the  
nagios user? If not, you may need to SUID /bin/ping so that it can be  
run by non-root users.


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