You have checked your /var/spool/mqueue and /var/spool/clientmqueue  

I have had a few million emails queued up there before.

On Mar 23, 2009, at 9:22 PM, Peter Doherty wrote:

> Hello,
> I have a kind of custom nagios setup, so maybe this is a byproduct of
> that...
> I had to reboot my nagios server today, and it didn't come right back
> up.  By the time it did, it realized that the service checks weren't
> fresh, and started sending out lots of notifications.  I stopped
> sendmail to keep from flooding my here's the question:
> I just want to clear out the outgoing email queue.  mailq and sendmail
> -bp both show nothing queued up.  When I restart sendmail, it starts
> sending again.
> Has nagios passed all the emails over to sendmail, and I just need to
> clear out sendmail's queue, or is nagios holding onto them while
> sendmail isn't running, and then once it sees sendmail running, it
> starts dumping email into the queue?
> Which is it, and how do I clear them from the queue?
> Thank you.
> --Peter
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