----- "Mark Weaver" <mwea...@compinfosystems.com> escreveu:
> I've got OpCfg installed and I "think" it's working, and if I
> understand 
> things so far it's imported all my nagios settings including objects
> and 
> templates and such into the db. I can make changes, adjustments,
> etc... 
> with OpCfg and then I've got to export those changes or additions back
> out to the Nagios config on disk. However it doesn't appear to be
> doing 
> that and I'm not sure why.


> All Nagios configuration files for everything on the Nagios server is
> in 
> /etc/nagios and OpCfg appears to be aware of that. I've made
> /etc/nagios 
> and everything under that directory writable for nagios.apache, but
> when 
> I make changes such as create a workstation template and then add a
> host 
> made from that template the files aren't being written back to disk.

Are you doing an "export" at the end of the process?
Are there error messages at apache log files related to export process?

I think we can move our discussion to opmon.org mailing list.
There we have a group of developers that can help you with this configuration.



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