On Apr 14, 2009, at 3:09 AM, ankaboot wrote:

> Hello,
> I receive more than 10 e-mails daily from nagios about the backup  
> status.
> I want to change those 10 e-mails to only one, updating me the  
> status of backup (either failed or successful etc).
> Shall i change some macro or command or what?
> i can not understand what to do.

Without the service and contact definition and information about how  
you're checking your backup status, it's difficult to say what you  
need to change. An arbitrary guess is that you may need to change the  
normal_check_interval to be 1440 (i.e. once a day). There are other  
things you may need to change but config information will keep us from  
just guessing.


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