The space after the g: is correct, the check then concatenates the drive and 
the folder together.  I'm pretty sure the drives the mapped as persistent (I 
didn't originally set them up so not 100%).  I tried UNC pathing and again it 
works fine on the windows box itself but same result as using normal absolute 
I have noticed in the NRPE documentation (for UNIX) that it has you add a 
nagios user to the remote host.  Being that there's not a whole lot of official 
documentation for nrpe_nt itself is there something to this affect that I have 
to do on the Windows machine?  Run the check as a specific user?  I've tried 
running the nrpe_nt service as every user on the windows box to no avail.  
I'm thinking it's some sort of permissions or "run as this specific user so as 
to see network drives" issue, but my Windows knowledge in terms of services, 
access rights, etc. is limited.  Thanks!

>>> "James Pratt" <> 4/9/2009 1:10 PM >>>

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Michael McCoy []
> Sent: Thursday, April 09, 2009 12:21 PM
> To:
> Subject: [Nagios-users] NRPE_NT Checks on Mapped Network Drive
> For off let me say this is my first mailing list, so I'm new at this,
> please excuse any mailing list etiquette that I violate :-)
> I am attempting to monitor the file count of a directory on a remote
> Windows XP machine.  I have installed NRPE_NT on the remote box and
> check_nrpe on my Nagios machine.  The two are talking to one another
> The problem is that the directory that I need to monitor is on a
> network drives.  Here is the command I am running...
> command[directory_file_count]=c:\WINDOWS\system32\cscript.exe //NoLogo
> //T:30 c:\temp\nagioschecks\file_count.wsf g: \folder1\folder2\ 0 10
> Basically if run this command from the DOS command line on the XP
> it works fine.  Once I try to run the command from check_nrpe on the
> Nagios host it gives me the following error...
> c:\temp\nagioschecks\file_count.wsf(123, 2) Microsoft VBScript runtime
> error: Path not found

Hello Michael - Just a quick stab in the dark here, but in your command
def above, you have a space character after your g: - is that correct,
or could it be causing your issue?

Also, are your drives mapped as persistent, as I'm not positive the user
running the script would see them either way if not "logged on

Can you use UNC pathing instead? Ie \\machine\share$ ? That should work
if the user has rights, and you won't have to deal with the mapped drive
issue(s) .


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