On Apr 22, 2009, at 8:46 AM, shadih rahman wrote:

> All,
>    I want to show the result of check_snmp in a certain way.  For  
> example if I am doing a "nominal current" check on Liebert ups, the  
> snmp query will return 506 as result.  However this actauly means  
> 50.6 amp.  Is there any way to control the output on check_snmp  
> plugin.  I am aware of the "-u" option but I am not sure if I can  
> use this to achieve the desired result I am looking for.  Thanks

There's no facility for munging the response data received via SNMP  
since it can be quite variable, ranging from numeric data to ip  
addresses to string data and many others. You can add a label (-l)  
(i.e. -l 'Amperage is' results in 'Amperage is OK- 506') and/or units  
(-u) (i.e. '-u amp' results in 'OK - 506 amp').

You could create a simple wrapper script that runs check_snmp, grabs  
it's output and return code, munges the output, and returns both back  
to nagios as the plugin would.

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