
I am trying to use NSClient++ to monitor performance counters; previously I 
only used it to check disk space etc, but I am trying to make sure of the "-v 
COUNTER -l" switch more now as it is very powerful.

In my config I have:

define command{
command_name check_nt_exchange_messages_delivered_per_min
command_line $USER1$/check_nt -H $HOSTADDRESS$ -s password -p 12489 -v COUNTER 
-l "MSExchangeIS Mailbox(_Total)\\Messages Delivered/min" -w 25 -c 120

However, when I try to test this from my box with:

./check_nt -H van-mail01 -s xr1p71c -p 12779 -v COUNTER -l  "MSExchangeIS 
Mailbox(_Total)\\Messages Delivered/min" -w 25 -c 120

I get:

bash: syntax error near unexpected token `('

Also, on Nagios it reports as "null"; which I would assume is because of the 
above syntax issue.

How can I fix this?

The source I got my counter from is:

Also, I noticed in my NSClient++ installation in the windows box (Exchange 
2005/Win2003) there is a counters.defs file, should I be making use of that and 
entering the counters in there as opposed to calling them from commands.cfg ? 
If so, how could I use the ./check_nt to call a performance counter defined in 
counters.defs ? (assuming this is what its for?).


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