Is this possible at all? When I have an active alert, which should  
play a sound, I get this popup when I visit the tactical overview page:

Safari can't find the Internet plugin.

The page "Nagios" has content of MIME type "application/wav".
Because you don't have a plug-in installed for this MIME type,
this content can't be displayed.

However, I DO have such a plugin installed - Quicktime, and it plays  
wav files just nicely, and if I use Safari to get /media/hostdown.wav  
from my nagios server, it plays just nicely.

I got that file with wget and I noticed that the MIME type it was sent  
with was audio/x-wav so I edited the binary of tac.cgi to send audio/x- 
wav rather than application/wav (yes, I know, but it was quicker than  
getting the source, and building it, just to try this out) but  
although that got rid of the warning pop up, it still got me no sound.

Any ideas to make Safari (ver. 4 beta) talk to me?

Kindest regards,

Niall  O Broin

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