
I'm trying to modify how my configuration files are written, and have
choosed to make one CFG file per host monitored. The file contain the host
itself and all the services monitored on that host. Using this configuration
makes nagios3 return a bunch of WARNING messages about "Duplicate
definition", but works just fine. Are there any problems in using this kind
of design?

Nagios version 3.0.3

Configuration Example:

define host{
        use                     servers
        host_name               SERVER_1
        alias                   SERVER 1
        _IF_INDEX       123

define service{
        use                             generic-service-3min
        host_name                       SERVER_1
        service_description             CHECK_4CPUs_20_50
        check_command                   check-cpu-snmp-hostmib-4cpu!25%!50%
        contact_groups                  cg-Discos
define service{
        use                             generic-service-3min
        host_name                       SERVER_1
        service_description             CHECK_VIRMEM_WIN
        check_command                   check-virmem-snmp-win!100!500
define service{
        use                             generic-service-3min
        host_name                       SERVER_1
        service_description             CHECK_RAMMEM_HOSTMIB
        check_command                   check-rammem-snmp-hostmib!1!2
define service{
        use                             generic-service-3min
        host_name                       SERVER_1
        service_description             IFDATAS_INDEX
        check_command                   check-ifs-snmp-index!$_HOSTIF_INDEX$
        contact_groups                  cg-Discos
define service{
        use                             generic-service-3min
        host_name                       SERVER_1
        service_description             CHECK_VIRMEM_WIN
        check_command                   check-virmem-snmp-win!100!500
define service{
        use                             generic-service-3min
        host_name                       SERVER_1
        service_description             CHECK_RAMMEM_HOSTMIB
        check_command                   check-rammem-snmp-hostmib!1!2
define service{
        use                             generic-service-3min
        host_name                       SERVER_1
        service_description             IFDATAS_INDEX
        check_command                   check-ifs-snmp-index!$_HOSTIF_INDEX$
        contact_groups                  cg-Discos

Warning: Duplicate definition found for service 'IFDATAS_INDEX' on host
'SERVER_1' (config file '/etc/nagios3/SERVER_1.cfg', starting on line 30)
Warning: Duplicate definition found for service 'CHECK_RAMMEM_HOSTMIB' on
host 'SERVER_1' (config file '/etc/nagios3/SERVER_1.cfg', starting on line
Warning: Duplicate definition found for service 'CHECK_VIRMEM_WIN' on host
'SERVER_1' (config file '/etc/nagios3/SERVER_1.cfg', starting on line 17)
Running pre-flight check on configuration data...


LĂ­vio Zanol Puppim
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