
On Jun 11, 2009, at 3:14 PM, Kevin Mitnikc <teckad...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hello everybody,
> I'm new to the boards, so this topic might already be covered.  But  
> I'm not exactly sure how to fully search the boards.
> Issue at hand:
> I have successfully setup Nagios 3 on Ubuntu 8.10.  I have a few  
> test servers being monitored, but what I can't get working properly  
> are when the servers reboot.  I'm looking for a way to monitor when  
> a server reboots or has an unexpected shutdown.
> I've tried the host-is-alive and also the ping, but the server comes  
> up to fast.  I've also tried just monitoring a service, such as the  
> NSClient++ but Nagios doesn't notify me right away once the server  
> reboots.
> How is everybody monitoring server reboots.  I've used Whats Up Gold  
> in the past, and it would notify me right away.  There has to be a  
> way to monitor reboots and get a notification of that reboot.  Many  
> people have suggested I use scripts, but I don't know how to write  
> scripts.

In past, we monitored "uptime < 5 min", there might be a contributed  
script or plugin. I would look, but have spotty Internet right now.


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