after starting... does it appear in the process list and stay there?  perhaps 
you're starting multiple copies and the system is not writing / reading the pid 
file properly.

Mat W. -


Date: Thu, 18 Jun 2009 22:10:17 +0600
Subject: [Nagios-users] nagios process not running or it stops spontaneously

Hi there.

I had installed nagios, it was working great, until i upgraded from ubuntu 8.10 
to 9.04, I think the up-gradation might be he reason of the nagios not running. 
I have removed the nagios and reinstalled as guided in the QuickStartGuide. But 
the problem still remains.

 Also see this --->

r...@biebo-laptop:/usr/local/nagios/var# service nagios start
Starting nagios: done.
r...@biebo-laptop:/usr/local/nagios/var# service nagios status
nagios is not running


the log file ----->

r...@biebo-laptop:/usr/local/nagios/var# cat nagios.log
[1245339292] Nagios 3.1.0 starting... (PID=25252)
[1245339292] Local time is Thu Jun 18 21:34:52 PKST 2009
[1245339292] LOG VERSION: 2.0
[1245339292] Finished daemonizing... (New PID=25256)
[1245339380] Nagios 3.1.0 starting... (PID=25440)
[1245339380] Local time is Thu Jun 18 21:36:20 PKST 2009
[1245339380] LOG VERSION: 2.0
[1245339380] Finished daemonizing... (New PID=25443)
[1245341109] Nagios 3.1.0 starting... (PID=26592)
[1245341109] Local time is Thu Jun 18 22:05:09 PKST 2009
[1245341109] LOG VERSION: 2.0
[1245341109] Finished daemonizing... (New PID=26597)


I donot know why it stops by itself. Or it not starts correctly. Please help me 
with this.
Bibrak Qamar

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