Hello, i got a problem im having some issues with, I've tried different things 
in the alarm settings and experimenting, but I cant seem to get around it.


My setup is like this, I have 90 hosts, they all have the same service called 
"ping" that I made. 

What I want, is for nagios to send email on all status changes for these hosts, 
and it is too.


My problem is the following.



***** Nagios 2.9 *****


Notification Type: RECOVERY


Service: $

Host: [censored]

Address: [censored]

State: $


Date/Time: Thu Jun 18 13:06:35 CEST 2009


Additional Info:





It send email when it's supposed too. But it doesn't show the service nor the 

But if I log in to nagios and force send a notification, it shows the correct 
data, I suspect this to be because I send the notification from the servce. So 
im thinking it's something with the host reporting.

Any ideas anyone ?



Med vennlig hilsen

Thomas Skaret Larsen



8037 Bodø

Telefon 75 55 05 88

Mobil    48 14 46 33






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